Had my regular appointment with the midwives today - everything was good that they saw - blood pressure holding strong at 110/70, weight doing good (though they never mention this, which I love - I can't imagine being hounded about it like some practices I've heard about), belly measuring spot on, baby's heart rate steady in the 140's.

I did mention to her that I had been feeling really strong movements during much of the day for the past weeks, but in the last 2 days almost nothing, just a random hiccup here or a tiny jolt to the nether regions. She said it's probably nothing to worry about but after poking around and not being able to get a reaction from the baby nor being able to figure out the baby's position decided to have Dr. Moritz (the one we saw originally, from "Business of Being Born" documentary) come in and do an ultrasound.

I made sure to remind them both that we don't want to know the sex before he even turned on the machine, and after he started scanning he let me know it was safe to look at the monitor. And there was baby, looking sooooooo adorable!! He said with "decreased fetal movement" the first thing they check for is low amniotic fluid, but he said no worries there I have PLENTY (but not too much, so don't worry about that either, haha). He did say that baby is breech, and back at my 20 week scan baby was head down. So, the most likely cause for my decreased feeling of the baby is that in the past couple of days he pulled a fliparoo on me. I was used to his position before, and what his movements felt like. But now he's sitting indian style with his head up by my belly button, facing forward. Moritz said I'm likely to feel some real zingers to the area down below if baby decides to stretch out his legs, so that'll be interesting!

Moritz bid me farewell saying he hopes we don't meet again, cuz he doesn't look pretty in a mask (meaning he hopes the baby flips before delivery time, thus negating the need for him to slice me open). The midwife said it's still way early and not to worry whatsoever about the position being breech at this point, but if I want to start doing minimal effort to get the baby to flip that would be a good idea. She suggested putting ice on the upper part of my belly, and playing music at the lower part, in effort to get the baby to move it's head away from the cold area and toward that interesting music area. I'm definitely going to google other ideas, I read something about lounging back on the couch very encouraging of the breech position, so maybe time to inflate my sister's birthing ball and start sitting forward on that?
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