It's about a 50/50 chance I can get a seat at some point of my 1 hour commute into work each day. Unfortunately for me, yesterday was one of the no-such-luck days and my body was just not feeling it! About 20 minutes in, I started to notice the first signs of shut down...sweating, feeling weak. I checked my pulse and it was almost undetectable, but super fast. I realize at this point, from experience, if I don't get seated or in a squat position soon I will most definitely pass out. This has only happened to me a few times. Most recently was in January after I'd fasted for about 20 hours for my stupid annual check-up's cholesterol test which was scheduled not so cleverly in the afternoon. That time also found me on the train, standing, holding the overhead bar. Clearly not the best position when your blood pressure is struggling to circulate life sustaining blood allllllll the way up to that silly brain of yours! Before that, was only after I'd given blood, in Japan last year and also when I was 16 (that very first time being the only time I actually full-on fainted - all the following times I knew how to handle it and thankfully recovered in time).

So back to yesterday, finally my vision started to go (the last warning sign before I lose control) and as there were no seats I just decided to squat down as a last resort. I was halfway to the floor when a nice man got up and gave me his seat (same thing happened in January). Oh sweet relief! I grabbed that seat and had my head between my legs faster than humanly possible, and remained that way til my stop. Ughhhh the commuting I have to look forward to...
5/6/2012 10:51:14 am

Oh no! How horrible! I cannot imagine feeling that way on a crowded subway. You need to get something to revive you. Maybe a personal fan? Or smelling salts? Some eucalyptus? Google it, I'm sure there is something to bring you back before you pass out. Thank goodness for a seat!!!! Nice guy.

5/7/2012 08:06:18 am

Yeah, it was/is horrible. Once the first signs start to show, I really think sitting down or squatting down is the only way to fix it since it's caused by crashing blood pressure. But warding off the triggers (heat, low blood sugar, ???) might be the key. Now the nausea on the other hand... I really almost puked on the ride home today, I actually had to pull out my pre-prepared doubled plastic baggy. But mind over matter and I made it without tossing my cookies. Once I was outside walking in the fresh air, I felt much better. I read something about pregnant stomach emptying slower so it gets too acidic in there. So I researched alkaline foods. But so far I can't find any magical food... bleghhhhh


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