Had my check-up today - 1 week later than scheduled due to the craziness of Hurricane Sandy. Speaking of Sandy, I met with Sandy Woods today who was the only midwife in the practice I hadn't rotated through to yet. She was nice enough, but I like the other girls better for a couple of reasons. 1) She seemed quite ditzy - she had trouble calculating my weight gain, at one point being about 5 pounds off and saying I need to gain more weight, and I had to correct her. 2) She is quite a bit older, which I would normally see as good because she must be super experienced and wise, but she couldn't work the mechanical chair to get me reclined with my legs up. 3) This one was the most compelling reason for disliking her on my part - she HURT ME during her palpating of my tummy to find the baby's position. I mean - OWWWWWWWW she was REALLY mashing in there to try to find the baby's head. I thought she was gonna like break my water! That said, she was the only one of the girls who was able to actually manage a guess as to the baby's position, which she thinks is...

HEAD DOWN!!! Go Akapanchan go!!

So, she confirmed what me and Ryoji had been thinking (though she said she's not positive) - butt is up top on my right side, just below my ribs. Feet are out to the left side, where I get the knuckle-dragging feelings (which are getting sharper and sharper day by day, sometimes actually painful!!), body is lying down a bit to my right side (hence the random off balance look I've seen my tummy get a couple of times - photo below), and head is right down center where it belongs - yippee!! Now if Akapanchan will just keep in this position, and rotate so the back is facing forward for the birth - all will be right in the world!!

In HypnoBabies news, I have been a bad girl, way too lazy. Only practicing like once a week, when I should be doing it every day. Oops. The other night I laid down for bed and my back was really really uncomfortable, it was strange! Almost painful. So, I thought, OK, let's try turning off my "lightswitch" and releasing the hypnosis anesthesia... hmmm DID NOT WORK. So, getting a bit nervous. Should probably practice more...

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