So, Friday I ventured to a Polish neighborhood of Queens after work to pickup the bassinet attachment I found on Craigslist for our future Britax B-Agile Stroller. It's $150 new, she was asking $100, and I paid $50. It's in great shape, no stains, so I'm pretty psyched. Not an essential, but I thought it would be nice during the infant months so the baby can lie completely flat in the stroller and also face the stroller pusher (baby can only be facing forward in the regular stroller seat).
Then Saturday I had the dreaded glucose tolerance test!! The only lab for my insurance with weekend hours was located in Staten Island, but lucky for me there was a direct bus from Bay Ridge across the Verazzano Bridge to the lab!! Took 40 minutes, but was super easy. Not so easy was the fasting combined with the long bus ride. I was suuuuuuuuuper car sick by the time I arrived at the lab at 8:30. The tech took the 1st 2 tubes of blood - one to serve as my baseline fasting blood sugar level, and 1 for a CBC to check my iron level (many pregnant women get anemic apparently). Then I got the orange glucose drink and was instructed to get it down within 5 minutes. It consists of 75 grams of glucose!! I heard horror stories about it being sickeningly sweet that women threw up and had to go back several times to attempt the test! With this in mind I took my first tentative sip. My thoughts... TASTY! It was basically like flat and extra sweet orange fanta, which I love! Though, halfway through the bottle it was definitely feeling over the top sweet, but my body was craving any sort of calories at that point it was quite easy to get down. Fast forward about 20 minutes I was a wee bit queezy but not so bad and it soon passed. Had my 2nd blood draw EXACTLY 1 hour after I finished the drink (supposed to be only 1 tube but he could only get the tube half full because of bad suction or something and had to restart and fill up a new tube). Sat in the lobby another hour and had my final blood draw. 3 pokes in my elbows, I look like a junky! And this was the worst and roughest phlebologist I have ever had - at least he got each in on the first jab, but he jabbed HARD and the jab sight ached throughout each blood draw and for a good 10 minutes afterwards! I never did get the shakes or major nausea as I read many women get. Not sure if this is a good sign or bad sign on passing the test. Probably just a sign that my body is used to being bombarded with sugar? haha whooooops! Should hear from the midwives this week if I failed, otherwise, as usual, "no word is good word".
Post baseline blood draw, about to down the go-go-juice!

My poor track marked arms (2 in right, 1 in left)! But could have been worse!! one lady came in while I was waiting for one simple blood draw, but she got jabbed like 4 times before they could get a vein! yikes!!

9/16/2012 11:49:14 pm

Sounds like the nurses at that clinic were fresh out of school. Poor you! I remember that drink. I didn't think it was terrible either. I chose not to do it with Chloe, but did partake with Tristan.

9/1/2018 12:18:34 pm

So a second hand bassinet still work well? Then there is no need of purchasing a new bassinet which you will only use for 4-6 months. Lovely!


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