So, this was the big one, they even requested Ryoji to attend. And luck would have it, we had to wait less than 5 minutes - never had such luck in that office before! Usually it's more like 30 minutes, occasionally over an hour! So we got right in there, weight and blood pressure checked, as always. We were given a copy of my chart cuz apparently we have to bring it to the hospital ourselves. It was fun to review it, apparently my blood pressure has remained rock solid at 110/70 at EVER appointment! Got the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, sounded good and strong as always. She checked the position which is still head down, good news.

The greatest news - I'm negative for Group B Strep! Hoooo-rah!!!! That woulda put huge restrictions on our labor due to the requirement of getting 2 rounds of IV fluids in before the birth. But, no need!! I did ask if it's possible to develop strep between now and the birth, and she said the official recommendation is to test between 35-37 weeks and the risk of developing strep after that AND passing it the baby is VERY VERY slim and I shouldn't worry about it whatsoever. That said, of course the docs will always monitor the baby closely for any signs of illness, whether or not you have strep and did or didn't have antibiotics. So, good stuff, no strep!!

So, with all the check-up business done, the midwife sat down to go over what to do when we go into labor. We were instructed to call the office (they have an answering service for after hours) for any of the following: 1) contractions that are increasing in strength and don't go away with lots of fluids and rest, and are strong enough that you can't hide them, 2) water breaks (you have 24 hours til they are required to induce you), 3) heavy red period-like bleeding. She also gave us every midwife's cell phone number, in case we have trouble with calling the office.

During labor, she said I probably won't be thirsty but Ryoji should make sure I drink ALOT (of water and also watered down gatorade or similar drink), and should eat something light once per hour (ex. fruit, crackers, applesauce, yogurt). She also instructed me to eat CHOCOLATE just before arriving at the hospital, cuz they want the baby super active when they monitor me prior to being admitted. I thought this was funny, being told by your care provider to eat chocolate! Love it!!

She said we should bring: drinks and snacks (they only have apple juice available at the birthing center), our deflated birth ball (this was good news - she said the birth center has a pump, which is not what our birth instructor had told us!), breast feeding pillow, and car seat.

Then, she suggested I start taking Evening Primrose Oil as of today. 1 capsule orally in the morning, 1 orally at night, and 1 NOT orally (*wink wink*) at bed time. This is supposed to help ripen the cervix so that the baby can come down lower in the pelvis and help get labor started. Also, a soft and ripened cervix should dilate and efface quicker during labor. Sounds good to me! One of the side effects can be nausea, so I'm a little worried.

Ryoji headed off to Boston after the checkup for the next 2 days, so hopefully the primrose oil doesn't work too fast! I have 2 more days of work, and I'd like to have a good week off to get everything ready for Akapanchan! Though... 12/12/12 would be a pretty kick ass birthday!!

Everyday I come home to another box or 2 of goodies at our door step - it's so fun!! We got our awesome Britax B-Agile stroller from mom and dad set up with the bassinet, got the high chair which will remain boxed up for the next 6 months probably, and got a shelving unit which we plan to spruce up for bubs. Still waiting for the crib mattress and newborn diapers, which are probably the most key item
12/6/2012 12:41:34 pm

All Great news! Especially the negative B Strep!! And instructed to eat chocolate, what a great way to start the birthing time. Now you just need to step up the HypnoBabies lessons.


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