So, mom freaked me out during her visit when she pointed out that one of the ingredients (triclosan) in my toothpaste is believed to be a carcinogen. Have heard on pregnancy podcasts alot about what you can and can't eat or take (medicines) while pregnant, but they're generally the big ones that everyone knows about. But there's a whole nother GINORMOUS list of chemicals and ingredients that pregnant women, well actually, ALL PEOPLE, should probably avoid. While these are generally not 100% proven, they are believed to cause cancer, disrupt normal hormone levels and body systems, etc. I realize I could have done this baby a whole lot better by switching my products 11 weeks ago (as the key body and organ development are just about finished by now), better late than never huh?So, here's the list of ingredients I'm trying to stay away from (little by little... so far I've switched our sun block, my face lotion, and my deodorant... next I really want to find a safer dish washing detergent, and possibly shampoo & laundry detergent maybe)

BPA / Bisphenol A (#7 reclycling products)
Triclosan  (toothpaste, anti-bacterial products)
DEA / diethanolamine (in shampoo)
Benzoil Peroxide
Salicilic Acid / Beta hydroxy acid / BHA
Parabens (listed under the following names)
     hydroxybenzoic acid
1, 4 Dioxane
Retinoids (listed under the following names):
     Differin (adapelene)
    Retin-A, Renova (tretinoin)
    Retinoic acid
    Retinyl linoleate
    Retinyl palmitate
    Tazorac and avage (Tazarotene)
Sunscreen ingredients to avoid:
     Retinyl palmitate
     Oxybenzone (safer alternative = avobenzone)

I also realize it is really really important to switch over to organic on the "dirty dozen" (apple, celery, strawberies, peaches, spinach, nectarines, grapes, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, blueberries, lettuce, kale) items, on which list are most of the fruits I eat on a daily basis!! I found a great (tiny) organic natural store near us, but they don't have a large selection of anything, and no produce I think. There's a Whole Foods about a 10 minute walk from my office, but not like I really wanna go there and carry everything home, but I guess you do what you gotta do!!

My reviews so far:
JASON nightly (facial) moisturizer - I'm using it day and night, and it STINKS, I mean, ick. I guess when you have all ingredients like nuts and stuff, and no artificial perfume, it would tend to stink. But it seems to do an OK job, definitely not oily at all, which I like, but I'm not sure if it would cut it in the winter.

Crystal roll on deodorant - worked GREAT last night and today, which is all I've used it so far. It'll be interesting to see how it does this summer. I used a crystal deo back in high school, but that one was the actual crystal you had to wet and rub under your arms. This one is like the salts are in a liquid and then it's a regular deo roller that you use. Unfortunately, the salts tend to make the roller get stuck, or at least it was stuck when I first used it. Could get annoying...

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