So, for the past week and a half this baby has been kicking up a storm and I am loving every minute of it!! I felt the first flutters last Monday, which at the time I wasn't positive that's what it was. But it has since continued and increased in frequency, so now I'm positive - it's our little Akapanchan!! -> That's the nickname we've given him/her for the time being. It's a combination of "akachan" which is the Japanese word for baby, "anpan", which is a Japanese bun (bun, as in "bun in the oven", hehe) filled with sweet red beans, which I love, and "anpanman" which is a Japanese superhero cartoon figure whose face is made out of akapan, haha!!

Many of the kicks I can feel on the outside if I put my hand there, so Ryoji has been lucky enough to catch a couple of kicks and punches, which I'm so happy about!! I know they'll get stronger and stronger and eventually visible, so we're really looking forward to that!!

The belly is still expanding, and as of this week I've retired my work shirts and dresses with fixed waists. I don't have any maternity clothes yet, except for 2 casual tee shirts, but I have enough stretchy stuff to get by for probably the next month or so, until I get big enough to fit into those scary maternity pants I've been avoiding! The fun thing is now that I'm all in fitted elasticy type clothes, the bump is on full display and this week I got my first seat offer on the subway, and also got the first comment of being pregnant from someone who didn't know (the lobby receptionist in our building at work, he said "I see something" and kinda laughed. I was like "What??" and he gestured at his stomach and I was like "OH!!!!!! You're the first one to notice!! YAY!!!" hahhahahaa)

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