Well, this is a little out of order as this was last week, but better late than never! Ryoji and I flew home, no issues thank goodness as US Air is pretty lax about their regulations on flying when pregnant. You don't even need a doctor's note until a week before your due date! And I didn't even have to put up a fight against the new "cancer box" x-ray machine - they pointed me right along to the old style metal detectors which are supposedly harmless to the baby (you get more radiation exposure on the flight itself!)

Well, it was so great to go home and see everyone, and have everyone see my belly in all its massive glory! Dad really came through for us shooting some awesome maternity pix, saving us about $300 from going with a professional (my top 3 shots below) - THANKS DAD!! And Jennifer, mom, and Aunt Debbie threw us an awesome baby shower - it was wonderful having my friends from high school and my family all gather for us. I only see most of them once a year now, so it was a great opportunity to catch up! We played 2 fun games (one was like "Headbands" but with a baby related term pinned on your back". Mine was "diaper" and ryoji's was bottle". Andrea gave us a hint that I was out and Ryoji was in. I guessed correctly right away, but Ryoji's was hilarious - "Am I a boob"?? hahaha!! The other was a baby clothes & diaper changing contest where partners had to hold hands and change it all with only one hand each. Ryoji and I came in dead last, yikes! And the food... desserts... AMAZING!!!  We couldn't answer everyone's #1 question, which was "Is it a boy or girl??" but we were happy to share their #2 question "Do you have names picked out??" which are Kenzo Wilson Tomoyasu for a boy, and Emi Rebecca Tomoyasu for a girl. We'll find out soon!!

Did have one big scare while home, which was a tumble down the stairs! Silly me didn't think about wearing socks down the hardwood stairs, and my feet flew out from under me and I bumpety bumped my way down half a flight the day after Thanksgiving. Mom, Dad, and Jennifer came running, looking like they were about to have a heart attack, but thankfully all was fine!

As far as pregnancy symptoms go...

The good:  I love my big old belly, and LOVE that I haven't gotten any stretch marks (yet) to detract from this. Also, getting so excited to meet this baby!! No swelling, well, in the feet a bit but nothing major. Rings and such are completely fine.

The bad: In the past couple of weeks my sleeping has gotten not so great. After an hour or so my hips and legs get sore and I have to flip to the other side, which in itself is getting hard as my body starts to flip leaving the belly behind, haha!! But I have an hourly rotation: left side, right side, middle with right up under a pillow, then bathroom, and repeat. Blegh, not great. Randomly I'll have a 2-hour spell in the middle of the night where I can't sleep at all and I'm just laying there wide awake. I guess all this is preparing me for when the baby is here! I'm also having a bit of a pain under my ribs, it's almost like it's the skin and muscles being pulled down from the weight of my belly. It's quite annoying, but not constant thank goodness. And I get a slight backache from sitting for too long. And still have that major pubic muscle pain when flipping over in bed, standing up, starting walking, etc. But, well, I guess I've gotten used to it! Also, a bit of nausea has come back in the past few weeks. I have to be careful about eating frequently and also what kind of food I eat.

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